Hi, my name is Josh and my last name is Wax. The brand is JOSHWAX. As a breeder and grower, I have been searching and selecting for unique terpene and cannabinoid expressions. Hunting for something special, higher than an A+, something truly spectacular: S grade.
By chemotyping our cultivars through breeding in the same environmental conditions and soil for multiple generations, we are priming the seedlings for all natural living soil based metabolism which leads to an ultimately cleaner, purer and stronger plant. Experience medicinal marijuana without harsh chemicals or by products.
As a purist and connoisseur I am never satisfied and always trying to make the quality better, every batch, every seed, every strain. I guarantee to continue to follow the ever changing trends and demands of the industry and to always be steps ahead. It’s fashion, science, art and entertainment and even magic. Yes, these plants are metaphysical beings and deserve the highest respect and attention to every detail to their health and happiness. The cleanest purest strongest selected chemotyped plants are what makes us tier zero. No chemicals or heavy salt fertilizers that leave your head in sharp pains or waking up the next day in a mental fog. Ultra potent single source medicine.
If you smoke often you will feel the difference and notice health benefits when switching from chemical recreational weed to our medicine. If it was easy to do everyone would be growing this way and it’s a shame that in California, the biggest market of all, 99% of everything is grown with chemicals. Toxins build up in the body and the mind and the environment. It is noticeable. Be conscious of your role, be aware of what you put into your body and environment - especially if you care about yourself and the environment and others around you.